
Migraine Treatment

Migraine Treatment – Migraine is a Neurologic disorder that often causes a strong headache. Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine, The Headache comes in episodes and sometimes also comes with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. It often begins as a dull ache and grows into throbbing pain. It usually gets worse during physical activity

Most migraine headaches last about 4 hours, but severe ones can go for more than 3 days. It’s common to get two to four headaches per month. Some people may get migraine headaches every few days, while others get them once or twice a year.

diagnosis migraine

Migraine Treatment In Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine that originated in India thousands of years ago, migraine is referred to as “Ardhavabhedaka” or “Sooryavarta.”

Ardhavbhedaka comprises of two components Ardha and Avbhedaka. Ardha means half or half side, Ava suggests bad prognosis and Bhedaka means breaking, perforating or bursting out type of pain. Thus, literal meaning of Ardhavbhedaka is perforating or bursting out like pain in one half of the head either right or left. Acharya Chakrapani, the commentator of Charaka Samhita had clarified the term Ardhavbhedaka by saying “Ardha Mastaka Vedana”

According to Acharya Sushruta, if one half of the head develops severe tearing and pricking pain, giddiness and piercing pain, suddenly after a fortnight or ten days. This should be diagnosed as Ardhavbhedaka caused by all the three Doshas.

According to Acharya Vagbhatta, pain in half side of head is considered as Ardhavbhedaka. The episodes of pain arise in the interval of fifteen days or one month and the pain subsides by itself. If the condition becomes aggravated, it may even impair the functions of the eye and ear.

Suryavarta is one of Shiroroga described by Acharyas characterised by headache which start early in morning and increases as day passes and become maximum at noon and is a Tridoshaja vyadhi.

Management of migraine-

  • Trigger factor : Ayurveda identifies various triggers for migraines, such as excessive heat, spicy and pungent foods, alcohol, stress, lack of sleep, and hormonal imbalances. Avoiding these triggers is an essential part of migraine prevention.
  • Dietary Recommendations: Dietary modifications to balance dosha. Adequate hydration is also crucial.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Stress management is a critical aspect of Ayurvedic migraine management. Practicing relaxation techniques, meditation, and yoga can help reduce stress levels and prevent migraine attacks.
  • Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine : Ayurvedic formulations may be recommended to treat migraine.
  • Oil Massage (Shiro Abhyanga): Regular head massage with cooling oils like coconut or Brahmi oil can help soothe the nervous system and reduce migraine symptoms.
  • Nasya :  Nasya therapy involves applying herbal oils to the nasal passages. This therapy is believed to help balance the doshas and reduce migraine symptoms.
  • Detoxification (Panchakarma): Sometimes recommended to remove accumulated toxins and restore balance in the body.
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