Gynecology Treatment

Dr Shraddha Dhote 1

Gynaecological disorders refer to medical conditions that specifically affect the female reproductive system including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and vagina. some common gynaecological disorders are:

Endometriosis: The tissue that lines the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus. Ectopic growth of endometrial glands and stroma. It is benign but malignant transformation is possible.


  • Peritoneal endometriosis- The peritoneum is a thin membrane that lines your abdomen and pelvis.
  • Ovarian endometriomas- These are dark, fluid filled cyst. They are also called chocolate cyst.
  • Deep-infiltrating endometriosis- In this type, the endometrial tissue has invaded the organ either within or outside the pelvic cavity. This can include ovaries, rectum, bladder and bowels.

Symptoms: Pelvic pain, painful menstruation, pain during intercourse, and infertility.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS):

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal condition that affects women of reproductive age.


  • heavy, prolong, intermittent and absent periods.
  • Infertility (Irregular periods, usually with a lack of ovulation can make it difficult to become pregnant) PCOS is a leading cause of infertility.
  • acne or oily skin
  • excessive hair on the face or body
  • male-pattern baldness or hair thinning
  • weight gain, especially around the belly.

Cause: The cause of PCOS is unknown but women with a family history or type 2 diabetes are at higher risk, Hormonal imbalance with high levels of androgens (male hormones).



Uterine fibroids are the commonest of all pelvic tumours. Originate from the single smooth muscle cell of myometrium. It is a benign growth. Surrounded by a pseudo capsules which consists of compressed normal uterine wall. Tumours are relatively avascular, major blood vessels are distributed in the capsules. Present in 20% of women in the reproductive age group.

  • Symptoms: 50% fibroids are asymptomatic. Abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, and pressure symptoms i.e. urine retention, constipation, flatulence, hydronephrosis.
  • Other risk factor: fatty food, obesity, sedentary life, increased BMI, PCOS, fatty liver, family history, increasing age, nulliparity.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID):  PID is a disease of upper genital tract. It is a spectrum of infection and inflammation of the upper genital tract organ typically involving the uterus, fallopian tube, ovaries, pelvic structures.

  • Symptoms: Lower abdominal pain, fever, unusual vaginal discharge, and painful intercourse.
    • Cause: Infection of the reproductive organs, often due to sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
    • Treatment: Antibiotics to clear the infection and prevent complications.

Ovarian Cysts:

  • Symptoms: Abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in menstrual cycles.
    • Cause: Fluid-filled sacs on or inside the ovaries.
    • Treatment: Monitoring for small, non-problematic cysts, or surgery for larger or painful cysts.


  • Symptoms: Vaginal itching, burning, unusual discharge, and discomfort.
    • Cause: Infections (bacterial, yeast, or viral) or irritation.

Menstrual Disorders: Menstrual disorder are the problems that affect a  normal menstrual cycle. Including Abnormal uterine bleeding, Amenorrhea, Oligomenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea.

  • Symptoms: Irregular, heavy, or painful periods.
    • Cause: Multiple factors, including conditions hormonal imbalances, uterine conditions, and certain medical conditions.

Ayurvedic Management of gynaecological disorders:

  1. Nidan parivarjan i.e. avoid the causative factors.
  2. Dietary and Lifestyle Changes:
    1. Follow a balanced diet.  (whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables)
    1. Avoid excessive intake of spicy, oily, and fried foods.
    1. Stay hydrated.
  3. Medications :
    1. Ayurveda uses various herbs to balance hormonal activity and regulate the menstrual cycle. Some common herbs include ashoka, shatavari, lodhra, and aloevera.
    1. Herbs are selected according to individual’s prakruti and type of disorder. They are often combined in specific combinations according to needs of patient.
    1. Some Ayurvedic preparations may involve the use of mineral and metal-based formulations, such as Swarna Bhasma (gold ash, Ras bhasma etc. to support women’s health.
  4. Panchakarma:
    1. Panchakarma is a detoxification process in Ayurveda. Under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner, this therapy can help remove toxins and balance the doshas.
  5. Yoga and Pranayama:
    1. Practice yoga asanas like Bhujangasana (cobra pose), Dhanurasana (bow pose), and Supta Baddha Konasana (reclining bound angle pose) can help menstrual discomfort.
    1. Pranayama can help manage stress and balance hormonal activity.
  6. Consult an Ayurvedic Practitioner :
    1. It’s essential to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner who can evaluate your unique constitution, dosha imbalances, and specific menstrual issues. They can advice a personalized treatment plan.
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